The WSST Student Council is a member of the Arizona Association of Student Councils (AASC) and is dedicated to being the voice of the student body. Student Council Officers are elected at the end of each academic year by the students. The Student Council Officers are in charge of putting together events for our students to participate in. Some of these events and projects include the following:
Morning Meeting- This is a whole-school assembly in which announcements and other school news is delivered. During Morning Meetings, students participate in small, competitive games and earn points for their advisories.

- Warriorgiving- This is an annual canned food drive event that takes place during the month of November. All the food items collected are given to needy families in our community.
- Gift Drive- This is an annual event in which we gather gifts for the holiday season for our students who attend our Annual Winter Festival and for the families in our community.
- AASC Fall Convention- This event is a pep rally and a meeting for Student Councils in the Phoenix area. Students get to hear from guest speakers, brainstorm ideas for projects, and network with other schools.
- AASC State Convention- This is a weekend-long event during January that is hosted in different parts of the state each year. During State Convention, Student Council (StuCo) Officers get to meet and work alongside Student Councils from all over the state of Arizona. StuCo Officers get to represent WSST in state-wide StuCo decisions and learn how to continue being leaders at their school.