Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 7:30am – 4:00pm, Friday: 9:30am – 3pm El horario de verano: lunes – jueves de 7:30am-4:00pm, viernes 9:30am – 3pm.


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Welcome to the Home of the Warriors

Western School of Science and Technology: A Challenge Foundation Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school serving 7-12 in Phoenix, Arizona’s Maryvale neighborhood dedicated to ensuring that all students are ready for college and career after high school graduation. 

Our Mission

Western School of Science and Technology: A Challenge Foundation Academy exists to transform Maryvale by improving low-income west Phoenix students’ opportunities for advancement in the global technological economy by providing needed preparation for the academic rigors of college graduation leading to career success.

Nuestra Misión
La escuela Western School of Science and Technology: Una Academia de Challenge Foundation existe para transformar Maryvale al mejorar las oportunidades para avance de los estudiantes de Phoenix oeste con bajos recursos para que avancen en la tecnología económica global proveyéndoles la preparación necesaria para los rigores académicos de la graduación universitaria que los dirige hace una carrera exitosa.


In compliance with A.R.S. 15-183.F., the experience and education profiles, or resumes, of all current employees who provide instruction to pupils are on file in our office. The experience and education profiles are available to the public for review, including by parents and/or guardians, or inspection upon request.

Parents Right To Know

Under No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, parents have the right to know the professional qualifications of the instructors who teach their children. Resumes outlining educational background and experience for all teachers are maintained on site at Western School of Science and Technology. If you wish to view a teacher’s resume, you should contact the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, Nancy Carbajal, or the Director of Operations, Lilly Trevizo.

We look forward to working with parents and guardians as partners to support our academic program. If you’d like any more information, please reach out to Nancy Carbajal,Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at (623) 249-3900 or


Western School of Science & Technology offers free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.” 


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