Adam Tyler’s Biography
BA from University of Utah
Adam Tyler has worked with exceptional students for the entirety of his education career. This is his sixth year at Western and his ninth year teaching over all. Adam spent 8 years serving in the United States Marine Corps before attending the University of Utah. He graduated in 2016 with a BA in Theater Studies and was accepted to continue his education in the Americorps sponsored program “Teach for America”. After teaching in Eastern North Carolina, Adam accepted a job at WSST, moved to Phoenix, and has been here ever since. Adam enjoys working with 7th-12th graders, or as he calls them, “The older children through the young adults”, and watching them grow, mature, and become the best versions of themselves.
In his free time, Adam loves to cook and expand his pallet with new and interesting foods. He also loves building complex Lego creations, riding his bike, and floating in his pool while reading his Kindle (in a waterproof bag of course). Mostly though, Adam enjoys spending time with his wife, dogs, kids, and grandson.